I made a new level for our game that uses IPM for the mechanics and hazards within it. These hazards also double up as the bosses attacks in the level so the player can already know the boss' behaviors once a new attack starts. The level includes spikes that will alternate between closing and opening or just close once after being hidden. This is all done in the same code with just bools that choose which behavior the spikes follow. This makes it easy for the same prefab to be adjustable and save time placing spikes around the world.

Another hazard I worked on for the level was an electric ball which would bounce off of the walls perpendicular to where it hit. This was done by applying physics materials to both the ball and the walls to get them to bounce just right. I also needed the ball to have a collider which would hit the wall but ignore the player so I made a layer for the player and the ball and collision was avoided. This caused a problem of the trigger not recognizing the player so I needed to make a trigger inside a childed object which didn't ignore the player for a desired effect.

There were multiple key and locks I implemented into my level as well. There is a script which will keep track of all the enemies you have defeated in the room and when they all die the door opens. Another lock and key mechanic is having keycards scattered around an open area in the level. Each keycard, when collected shows you what you are unlocking with a cutscene and when all three are collected, it shows the door open and you can progress forward.

The next week I would like to design a new boss with the way our game is setup. I would want to experiment with the new way boss behaviors work and make a bunch of unique ways to fight the boss. I have done level design and designed a progression system for how the game gives you rewards based on beating a level and boss, so I think working on a boss will help me understand how the gameplay loop works entirely and I can help anyone with issues in those departments.
This week I often would work late and would be tired in the day. This caused me to be unproductive in the next day in the afternoons. I am unproductive when I don't stop at a good time and get rest so I need to make sure to get that sleep. If I do that, I feel I will eliminate anything from stopping me from working well.
The team did fairly well this week. We separated into smaller groups again based on what we were doing, like I was pairing up with Trevor, the person who was working on the boss. Him and I communicated very well and traded ideas a lot, but I was very in the dark on some other features. I knew the features were happening, but I never checked on them personally until the end of the week.
I think the production of things like character movement could have been done better as this is almost the 5th time we have changed it. It still took a long time to fix and wasn't done correctly until the last day. It is a very important part of the game and needs to be done for things like level design and enemy design so it hurts when it comes out different than expected and I have to rework the level to fit with the new controls.