This last week I worked on a few things I hadn't touched much since getting here. I had to create sword animations that attack the player and will always hit them. This was a bit hard as I had to adjust as the others finished things with the character and boss template. We had to make the animation always swipe towards the player so after they were done I could make it.

I also had to spawn the beam for when the sword swings and aim towards the player as the swing went off. The code below shows how the beam works and follows the player.

I also worked on the upgrade menu and list to use alongside the Game Manager so we could have unlockable abilities when a player defeats a boss. This took some time as I had to wait for the Game Manager to be working properly then link up all of my bools to stay persistent as the player went from scene to scene.

Next week I would probably like to introduce more upgrades into the game and work on them myself personally to work with other's scripts a lot more as well as give myself a different challenge. I would also like to work on one more weapon type for the boss to use as I felt the sword was very simple until the team added the sword beam. It was fairly easy to implement and I would prefer a more interesting attack.
The only things preventing me from being productive are distractions at home. I sometimes finish my work prematurely as I want to get to playing some games I have or watch some shows. My mother has recently came down into Florida too and she likes to take attention away from me and I don't like to disappoint so I spread my time fairly thin. Luckily, I have stopped myself from meaningless distractions for the most part as letting the team down is something I would never want to do and I also need to be productive to feel fulfilled myself.
This is by far the best team I have worked with in my time here at Full Sail. Sometimes I had to explain a lot of simple concepts to people for them to understand how to do their job. With this group, they not only understand if I ask them to do something, sometimes they go beyond what I was thinking and I learn something new. It is nice to be with my friends, but it doesn't feel as though that impedes us from working. Sometimes we trail off into a discussion but realize we should work soon after. So far no problems with the team and they all get everything they are assigned done and thensome.
The only thing at the moment I feel could have gone better was the implementation of some of our ideas. They got done well, but at the same time didn't feel as good as we envisioned. I usually try to spend a lot of time refining something to feel just right, so I think since we can get our work done on time, we should also spend time to refine it more.